Coir is a natural fiber extract from coconut husk. The Coir fibers are extracted from between the outer shell and hard internal shell of the coconut. The fibers are then screened, graded, washed and compressed into bricks. Coir has many applications but is especially useful for gardening as an alternative to peat moss.
A compressed coco coir brick, block or bale should be soaked in water for at least 1 hour before using. Coco coir fibers expand 5 to 7 times in volume when soaked in water. Because of its superior water holding capacity, coir has excellent air space and drainage. When used in sandy soils, coconut coir fibers help to keep nutrients and moisture close to plant roots instead of washing away. When used in clay soils, coco coir brick helps to break up hard-packed earth and move nutrients and moisture through the soil.
Coconut coir is a bedding material used for the worms. This bedding provides a comfortable environment for worm life, creating an ideal burrowing environment that is neither too dry nor too damp. Worms need bedding to thrive and break down the food matter they’re given. Coir works well because it holds moisture without becoming hard and compacted. It’s completely natural, meaning you’re not introducing chemicals that might affect the worms or the castings they produce. Coir is processed and sold in brick form.
To use coir as worm bedding, first soak the coir in water and squeeze out the excess, like a damp sponge. Fill the worm composting bin three-fourths full with coir or a combination of coir and shredded paper or corrugated cardboard. A suitable worm composting bin allows air circulation and has small holes on the bottom and sides, as well as a lid to keep the worms inside. Bricks keep the bin off the ground to allow matter to flow out the bottom. Add a handful of soil to the coir. The soil’s gritty texture aids the worms’ digestive process. Place the worms atop the coir and let them burrow and get used to their surroundings for a few days. Set a piece of damp cardboard or paper on top of the bedding after adding worms.